Bishop Pass

Bishop Pass

2019-03-22 01.12.40 3.jpg
2019-07-08 09.07.52 1.jpg
Pig Head

Pig Head

Acrylic on canvas. Inspired by a pig slaughter in Czech Republic.

Meat in Cart

Meat in Cart

Acrylic on canvas. A study of the beauty of movement in a piece of meat.

Figure on Chair

Figure on Chair

Acrylic on canvas. A study of the meat like properties of a human body.

Madonna and Onion

Madonna and Onion

Colored pencil on bristol. Notice the people strolling the path in the background.

Figure with Meat

Figure with Meat

Acrylic on canvas

Saint with Meat

Saint with Meat

Gouache on paper

Self Portrait

Self Portrait




Colored pencil on bristol

 Colored pencil on art paper

Colored pencil on art paper